Wellbeing and Pastoral Care
At Avenue House School, the combination of strong pastoral care and high-quality teaching provides a positive learning environment for our children. In conjunction with this, students develop valuable personal qualities: tolerance and empathy. They are provided with many opportunities to learn about the importance of mental health and well-being, including explicit instruction through our PSHEE and Mindfulness curricula. Such integral aspects of personal development are continuously reinforced courtesy of a nurturing school culture. We ensure that our children feel secure and safe, that all adults value them, and that they will be heard. According to the World Health Organisation, mental health is: "A state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their potential, manages the typical stresses of life, works productively and fruitfully, and is able to make decisions that are in their best interests." Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel and act.
We are dedicated to promoting the welfare and good mental health of every member of our school community: students, teachers, parents, and carers. Embedded in respect and kindness, our approach ensures that all individuals and their contributions are duly valued. With a supportive and caring ethos, Avenue House School ensures children are provided with the opportunities they need to progress, achieve and grow into unique individuals. Enabling children to successfully navigate change and deal effectively with stress, we supply the support they need to realise their true potential.
In establishing a learning environment attuned to the personal development of students, we have a responsibility to make sure that they understand what they can do to protect and promote mental health. This requires that children are taught and become knowledgeable of those factors which affect mental health. Exploring issues enables us to confront any stigma associated with mental health conditions and provide students with clear guidance on where they may turn for support and assistance. Everyone at our school is aware that life's difficulties can sometimes leave us vulnerable, and that anyone may occasionally need additional emotional support. We are of the opinion that our school community offers a distinctly supportive environment in which everyone is involved, and that we all have a responsibility to promote positive mental health.
Key Members of Staff:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr J. Sheppard
- Deputy DSL - Ms R Nandra
- Head of Wellbeing and Mental Health - Ms R. Malik
- SENCO - Ms R Malik
- Counsellor - Ms C.Pons
- PSHEE Coordinator - Miss H. Ahmad
- Mindfulness lead - Miss A. Zeslawska
Teaching about Mental Health and Wellbeing:
The skills, knowledge and understanding our students need to keep themselves, and others, safe and physically and mentally healthy are key features of our PSHEE, Mindfulness, RE and Games curriculum. Our peer mentoring programme contributes further to learning and developing helpful strategies.
We teach PSHEE and Mindfulness on a weekly basis; this is well-established and incorporated into our curriculum at all stages. At Avenue House School, we believe in providing opportunities to promote students’ wellbeing through the development of healthy coping strategies and cultivating an individual's understanding of their own emotions as well as those of others. Such lessons are a means by which we can equip students, who do develop difficulties, with strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe. Additionally, this allows us to encourage and facilitate a support network whereby students can help any of their friends who may be facing challenges.
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