School Life
Children are taught in small classes where they can develop an excellent work ethic and achieve high standards in academic and non-academic subjects.
The School Day
The school is open from 8.00am; your child will be welcomed by a member of staff. Registration is taken at 8.35am and 12.15pm respectively. Reception and Years 1 & 2 finish at 3.30pm, Years 3 to 6 finish at 3.40pm. There are afternoon activities every day until 5.00pm and an after school facility for children in Reception to Year 6 up until 5.20pm.
All children have a swimming lesson once a week, throughout the school year.
Assemblies are held on four mornings a week. As a non-denominational school they are a time for reflection and for children to learn about values of faith, hope and kindness. They are also a time to celebrate the efforts and achievements of individual pupils and team successes (or near misses!)
From Year 1 onwards, children are divided into four 'Houses' - St David, St George, St Patrick and St Andrew. House points are awarded for achievement, effort, courtesy, kindness and helpfulness.
The ability to do homework is a vital skill. All children are provided with a homework timetable. Early homework is usually reading. Spellings form part of homework from Year 1.
Gifted and Talented
Pupils are closely monitored and subject teachers may use extension materials with some children where appropriate. Critical thinking is taught and challenges set for the more able. Pupils are directed towards activities which will enable them to develop their talents which may be academic, sporting, creative or musical.
All pupils are expected to wear correct school uniform which is kept as simple as possible. The school uniform supplier is Juniper Uniform, 154 – 156 Broadway, West Ealing, London W13 0TL.
Form teachers are generally available to see parents before and after school. A meeting with the Headteacher is by appointment.
Parental input is very important and we encourage parents to come into school to talk to the children on subjects of interest, to participate in activities and to join us on school day trips.
